Poly Modules

Our Poly Modules, boasting an impressive efficiency rate of 22%, are designed to deliver reliable and sustainable solar power solutions for a wide range of applications. With two variants available, one producing 380 watts and the other an even more powerful 480 watts, our modules cater to diverse energy needs. Whether it’s for residential, commercial, or utility-scale installations, our high-efficiency Poly Modules are engineered to maximize energy generation, making them a cost-effective choice for harnessing the sun’s power

Key Features:

•Better performance at low irradiation
•Max System Voltage: 1500 VDC
•Withstand up to 5400 Pa of snow load & withstand up to 2400 Pa of wind load.

Idea For:

•Residential Projects
•Commercial and Industrial Projects
•Utillity Projects & Off Grid Projects

Key Features:

•Better performance at low irradiation
•Max System Voltage: 1500 VDC
•Withstand up to 5400 Pa of snow load & withstand up to 2400 Pa of wind load.

Ideal For:

•Residential Projects
•Commercial and Industrial Projects
•Utillity Projects & Off Grid Projects


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